"오늘 날씨 정말 좋아요!" "The weather is really nice today!" "태양이 빛나고 하늘이 맑아요." "The sun is shining, and the sky is clear." "꽃들이 피어나고 있어요." "The flowers are in bloom." "신선한 꽃 향기가 퍼져 있어요." "The scent of fresh flowers is spreading." "봄비는 5월 꽃을 가져와요." "Spring showers bring May flowers." "기온이 점점 올라가고 있어요." "The temperature is gradually rising." "겨울 옷을 접어놓을 수 있게 됐어요." "I can put away my winter clothes now." "..