영화 인턴

영화 '인턴' Day 19- 자기방식대로 하다

썬sun 2018. 3. 20. 15:39

Day19 -영화'인턴'




They are going to wanna do things their way.




그들은 그들의 방식대로 하길 원할 겁니다.




-앤의 회사에 새로운 ceo가 오면 어떻게 될지 앤이 했던 말이에요.










(표현 설명)

-'do things one's way' 표현은 ' 자기방식대로 하다' 라는 뜻으로, 'do something in one's own way'를 간단히 쓴 표현입니다. 특히, 직장에서 일을 처리하는 방식에 대해 애기할 때 많이 쓰는 표현입니당~^^


 ex) My boss prefers to do things his way. 나의 보스는 자기식대로 하기를 원합니다.


     She always wants to do things her way. 그녀는 항상 자기방식대로 하기를 원합니다.




(누적암기 시간) ☞ Tip! 눈을 감고 영화 장면을 떠올리며 말해보세요!


1. I realized the key to this whole deal was to keep moving.


2. Don't get me wrong!


3. I caught your flyer out of the corner of my eye.


4. But okay if we take a rain check?


5. The tech stuff might take a bit to figure out.


6. I'm gonna call the vendor and

   have this fixed today.


7. Let me give you my cell, just in case!


8. There's gonna be a couple of interviews today.


9. We wanna make sure that we both find a right fit.


10. There's been a ton of research on this.


11. You have to set the tone.


12. We are all about communication and teamwork.


13. We just hit a record high of 2,500 likes on Instagram. 


14. Any tips before I go in?


15. Can I just be honest with you?


16. I think that you'd be much better off working in creative or marketing.


17. You'll get used to me.


18. I did not see that coming.


19. They are going to wanna do things their way.



#'유튜브' 로 제가 암기하는 모습 확인해보세요!
